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Blogging, Computers, Internet, Gaming, Make Money Online

4 Steps To Optimize Your Blog With Meta-Tags

"Optimizing my blog" So what does that mean? It means, you will make your blog compatible or as what they say "friendly" with search engines such as google and yahoo (in other words, search friendly). This post will only show how to add meta tags (the right way).

So what are meta-tags? They are the tags or words that search engines will read to know the content or description of your blog. They are the communication between your blog and the search engines.

Let's start.

1. Follow this guide on How To Edit Your Blogger Template

2. Find(CTRL+F) <head>

3. Now, add these codes BELOW <head>
<!-- meta descriptions start -->

<link href='mailto:EMAIL' rev='made'/>

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta name='description' content='BLOG DESCRIPTION' />
<meta name='description' expr:content='data:blog.pageName + data:blog.title + data:blog.pageName' />
<meta name='keywords' expr:content='data:blog.pageName + data:blog.title + data:blog.pageName' />

<meta name='keywords' content='KEYWORDS' />

<meta name='author' content='YOUR NAME'/>
<meta content='ALL' name='ROBOTS'/>

<!-- meta descriptions end http://ilook12.blogspot.com-->

EMAIL: Change it to your email address (ex. windsor16@gmail.com)
BLOG DESCRIPTION: Replace it with your blog description. (ex. Giving tips and tricks about blogging)
KEYWORDS: Replace it with the keywords related to your blog(separated by coma) (ex. blog, tips, tricks, guides)
YOUR NAME: Change it to your name (ex. Windsor)

4. Now, click Save Template.

And you're done! Google can now easily index your without having any problems.

Be sure to follow this guide on How To Optimize Your Post Titles to have better results.

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Blogging, Computers, Internet, Games, Make Money Online.