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Blogging, Computers, Internet, Gaming, Make Money Online

Facebook Share Button For Blogger

If Twitter has Retweet button, Facebook on the other hand has Share button. What does it do? It adds a share button in every posts in your blog so your readers can easily share them to facebook.

Here's what it looks like.

The button will appear at the top right side of your post. The compact button will appear when you are at the homepage while the full button will appear when you are at the post page.

1. Follow this guide on How To Edit Your Blog Template

2. Find(CTRL+F) <data:post.body/>

3. Add these codes ABOVE <data:post.body/>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div style='float:right; margin-left:10px;'>
<a href='http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php' name='fb_share' type='box_count'>Share</a><script src='http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect.php/js/FB.Share' type='text/javascript'/>
<div style='float:right; margin-left:10px;'>
<a href='http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php' name='fb_share' type='button_count'>Share</a><script src='http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect.php/js/FB.Share' type='text/javascript'/>

4. Click Save Template

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Blogging, Computers, Internet, Games, Make Money Online.